Rohingya Project receives catalyst prize from Roddenberry foundation to create a digital archive of historical documents

30 January 2021 – The Rohingya Project, a grassroots initiative for financial and social inclusion of stateless Rohingya worldwide, has received the Catalyst Prize from the Roddenberry Foundation for the creation of an archive on the Blockchain of important historical documents for the Rohingya people, the R-Archive. The catalyst prize is awarded to early-stage and innovative ideas that have the potential for disruptive change.

The Rohingya people have been rendered stateless since the early 1980s. Many of the physical documents of their cultural and ancestral heritage originating from their homeland remain scattered in the diaspora and at risk of being lost, damaged or destroyed. The R-Archive will seek to digitally store these precious documents and allow them to be accessible to the Rohingya people via a Blockchain-based inventory.

“This initiative is critical for our Rohingya people to culturally preserve our heritage,” said Muhammad Noor, Managing Director of the Rohingya Project. “We would like to thank Roddenberry Foundation for their support as we move forward in this endeavor.”

Rohingya Project will be partnering with Propy, a Blockchain real estate solution provider, the Center for Information as Evidence in the University of California Los Angeles and the Archival Technologies Lab of the City University of New York to execute a pilot of the R-Archive in 2021.

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