Press Release

Rohingya Project receives catalyst prize from Roddenberry foundation to create a digital archive of historical documents

30 January 2021 – The Rohingya Project, a grassroots initiative for financial and social inclusion of stateless Rohingya worldwide, has received the Catalyst Prize from the Roddenberry Foundation for the creation of an archive on the Blockchain of important historical documents for the Rohingya people, the R-Archive. The catalyst prize is awarded to early-stage and […]

Rohingya Project receives catalyst prize from Roddenberry foundation to create a digital archive of historical documents Read More »

Rohingya Project Launches ‘R-Coin’ Crypto Token to Reward Refugee Volunteers

28th October 2019 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  – The Rohingya Project, a grassroots initiative for financial inclusion using Blockchain technology, will be launching the R-Coin, a crypto token designed to incentivize community service performed by stateless Rohingya and other refugees in Malaysia. The initiative will begin as a pilot in November and December with support from

Rohingya Project Launches ‘R-Coin’ Crypto Token to Reward Refugee Volunteers Read More »