By installing, copying, or otherwise using the Software, Licensee agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in this EULA. If Licensee does not agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this EULA, then Licensee may not download, install, or use the Software.
1. Grant of License
A) Scope of License. Subject to the terms of this EULA, Licensor hereby grants to Licensee a royalty-free, non-exclusive license to possess and to use a copy of the Software.
B) Installation and Use. (Check one)
☐ Licensee can NOT make back-up copies of the Software. Licensee may install and use
(Check one) ☐ an unlimited number of ☐ a maximum of __________ copies of the Software solely for Licensee’s (Check one) ☐ business and personal use ☐ business use ☐ personal use.
☐ Licensee can make back-up copies of the Software. Licensee may install and use
(Check one) ☐ an unlimited number of ☐ a maximum of __________ copies of the Software and make multiple back-up copies of the Software, solely for Licensee’s (Check one) ☐ business and personal use ☐ business use ☐ personal use.
C) Reproduction and Distribution. (Check one)
☐ Not applicable
☐ Licensee may reproduce and distribute (Check one) ☐ an unlimited number of ☐ a maximum number of __________ copies of the Software, provided each copy shall be a true and complete copy, including all intellectual property notices, and shall be accompanied by a copy of this EULA. Licensee is not allowed to charge for distributing the Software, either for profit or to recover media and distribution costs.
Standalone distribution (Check one)
☐ Not applicable
☐ Copies of the Software may be distributed as a standalone product or included with your own product, as long as the Software is not sold or included in a product or package that intends to receive benefits through the inclusion of the Software.
2. Description of Rights and Limitations
A) Limitations. Licensee and third parties may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Software, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding the limitation.
B) Update and Maintenance. (Check one)
☐ Not applicable
☐ Licensor shall provide updates and maintenance on the Software: (Check one)
☐ On an as needed basis
☐ Every 6 months
☐ Every year
☐ Other: _____________________________________
C) Separation of Components. The Software is licensed as a single product. Its components may not be separated for use on more than one computer.
3. Title to Software. Licensor represents and warrants that it has the legal right to enter into and perform its obligations under this EULA, and that use by the Licensee of the Software, in accordance with the terms of this EULA, will not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third parties.
4. Intellectual Property. All now known or hereafter known tangible and intangible rights, title, interest, copyrights and moral rights in and to the Software, including but not limited to all images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text, data, computer code, algorithms, and information, are owned by Licensor. The Software is protected by all applicable copyright laws and international treaties.
5. Support. (Check one)