Report: Identities for Opportunities – University of Washington


This report provides a feasibility assessment for The Rohingya Project (TRP) proposal to create self-sovereign digital identities for the stateless Rohingya diaspora, so as to facilitate financial inclusion and other opportunities otherwise unavailable to those without a nation and associated entitlements conferred on citizens of a state. The report first reviews the structural architecture of blockchains to determine the optimal blockchain platform architectural design for TRP objectives and the risks in the application of blockchain based digital identification. Second, it examines the necessary tools in information that are pertinent to the implementation of a blockchain digital ID. This include international laws and regulations that govern identity verification, a study of existing digital ID systems, and a study of TRP’s pilot nations, Bangladesh, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia. The report concludes with a summary of key findings, recommendations, and areas for further research.

Sneha Indrajit
Jannah McGrath
Matthew Newton
Arica Schuett
Hailey Vandeventer
Senior Researchers
Allison Anderson
Seth Kane

Faculty Lead
Professor Sara Curran