
Castac: Blockchain Reactions: The peril and promise of techno-governance for stateless Rohingya

As demonstrated by the uselessness of the UNHCR card, RP stresses that the central problem is not identity per se, as being recognized as Rohingya is simply a way of giving a name to their continuous omission from society. Rather, any identity project must be instrumental in materially altering life opportunities. As Noor suggests above, one

Castac: Blockchain Reactions: The peril and promise of techno-governance for stateless Rohingya Read More » Blockchain Digital Plan Brings Hope to the Stateless

Imagine if tomorrow, someone took away your social security number, your passport and your driver’s license. If you had no official identity, how would you go to school or go to the doctor? What would you do to survive in your desperation? This is precisely the dilemma over three million Rohingya face worldwide. What is a Digital Blockchain Digital Plan Brings Hope to the Stateless Read More »

CGTN: Empowering Refugees: Malaysian group use blockchain to give Rohingya digital identity

Tens of thousands of Rohingya who have fled violence and persecution in Myanmar are taking refuge in Malaysia. However, they’re in a state of limbo – unable to work legally or send their kids to school. But one project aims to change that. It’s using blockchain — a secure database technology — to create digital

CGTN: Empowering Refugees: Malaysian group use blockchain to give Rohingya digital identity Read More »

Social Protection: Achieving social justice through blockchain technology

Born out of a desire to help the stateless Rohingya people, a Muslim minority who for decades have been illegally denied citizenship in Myanmar, the Rohingya Project is pioneering the use of digital identity cards (Rohingya Project, 2019). It is hoped that these will eventually allow the over 700,000 Rohingya refugees fleeing to Bangladesh to

Social Protection: Achieving social justice through blockchain technology Read More »

The Guardian: Rohingya turn to blockchain to solve identity crisis

Rohingya refugees are turning to blockchain-type technology to help address one of their most existential threats: lack of officially-recognised identity. Denied citizenship in their home country of Myanmar for decades, the Muslim minority was the target of a brutal campaign of violence by the military which culminated a year ago this week. A “clearance operation” led by

The Guardian: Rohingya turn to blockchain to solve identity crisis Read More »